Introduction to Conductivity and pH

The correct selection of the dosing pump and the appropriate concentration of products to inject, such as fertilizers and acids, are essential for an effective fertigation system.

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In our technical article, we address essential aspects to optimize your fertigation processes. Electrical Conductivity (EC), expressed in mS/cm, measures a solution’s ability to conduct electrical current, a measure proportional to the amount of dissolved salts in the water. It is crucial to correct conductivity according to temperature to obtain accurate results.

Additionally, pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a solution, and proper management is vital to avoid abrupt changes that could affect conductivity and system efficiency.

Advanced control dosing pumps and fertigation controllers with 4-20 mA signals have significantly improved nutrient dosing precision. Equipment like the Dostec AC dosing pump and the WTRtec Green fertigation controller from ITC allow precise adjustment and control of the amount of fertilizers and acids in the system, optimizing efficiency and results.

Article - Introducción a la conductividad y al pH

Introduction to Conductivity and pH

This is a brief guide to the contents you will find in the article:

  1. The importance of Electrical Conductivity (EC) in fertigation
  2. Advanced technology for precise dosing
  3. The meaning and management of pH in solutions

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