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Fertirrigation equipment to Increase Crop Productivity and Save on Fertilizers, Energy, and Water.

means ITC.


More efficient than the
Venturi System: Agriculture 4.0 with ITC

ITC's fertigation equipment increases crop productivity by up to 40%, while enabling savings in fertilizers, energy, and water.

It distinguishes itself as the most advanced in the market, surpassing the conventional Venturi method. The key lies in its user-friendly interface, allowing farmers to efficiently control and program fertigation.

This makes it more accessible, easy, and quick control and programming of fertigation for the farmer. Thanks to ITC's fertigation equipment, we achieve technified irrigation systems that minimize losses, and enhance fertilizer control.

[LANDING] Ventajas sistema fertirrigación ITC
[LANDING] Ventajas sistema fertirrigación ITC

ITC's Fertigation Equipment Boosts Production and Enables Greater Utilization of Water, Energy and Fertilizers.

The surgical precision of ITC's fertigation system boosts tomato, cucumber, and zucchini production in agricultural farms in Almería (southeastern Spain) while using fewer fertilizers.
Through ITC's fertilizer pumps, the volumes of fertilizers handled are reduced by up to 20%. It allows for greater volumetric precision in dosing, as well as speed and stability in getting EC and pH targets.

ITC System

Q = 50 L/H

Dosmart AC
Water C3000
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Dostec AC (0,43 KW)
Dosmart AC (0,032 KW)
DOSmart AC - Vista frontal
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Water Controller 3000
Water C3000
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Immediate Advantages Provided by ITC Fertigation Systems

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Enhanced Utilization of Water, Energy and Fertilizers

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Increased Crop Productivity

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Space Savings

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Maintains Consistent Flow under Any Circumstances

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User-Friendly and Remote Control Capability

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Uniform Fertilizer Dosage

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Precision in Injection

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Economical Maintenance and Nearby Technical Support

[LANDING] ITC Fertigation Systems Advantages
[LANDING] Ventajas sistema fertirrigación ITC

ITC's irrigation machines effectively reach even the higher levels of fields without the need for replacement or addition of a second booster pump.

Furthermore, unlike Venturi, fertilizer injection systems through dosing units do not cause any pressure loss in the network.

Other Systems

3 KW
1,5 KW
Q = 500 L/H
300 L
[LANDING] Ventajas sistema fertirrigación ITC

Success Story in Almería

Jose Antonio Arcos visits the agricultural farm of Jorge in Almería, who has chosen to replace his Venturi irrigation system with ITC's innovative fertilizer injection pump. This has allowed for better plant nutrition, resulting in a longer growth cycle, translating to increased production. and quality in dosing. Discover the best liquid fertilizer dispenser for drip irrigation!


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