ITC Commitment

  • #DosingTogether
  • #DosingForBetterFuture

ITC's responsibility for society and the planet moves the company to continue accumulating initiatives to help people and the environment.

Initiatives we are carrying out

The ITC Forest

The ITC Forest is a natural space sponsored by its employees. Being undertaken with the aim of special protection and care of nature allowing the offsetting of the CO² footprint derived from the manufacture of ITC equipment.

A new source of renewable energy

At ITC we are working to continue to be a quality brand that is aware and responsible towards the environment and people. For this reason, we have taken an important step in our commitment to the environment by installing photovoltaic solar panels in our facilities, allowing us to produce more ecological energy from sustainable sources.

The Vertical Garden

Understanding and putting yourself in the customer’s shoes is a key exercise for offering a quality service. As a company that is close to its customers, we have taken part in a new project: the creation of a vertical garden to test our own products and learn first-hand about the experience of using our dosing pumps.

Environmental commitment

ITC has achieved a significant milestone in its commitment to environmental protection by obtaining ISO 14001 certification. This international certification recognises ITC’s commitment to the effective management of environmental risks related to its business activities.