ITC Cloud Manager: The All-in-One Solution

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Ahora puedes gestionar todos tus equipos ITC desde una sola aplicación.

Now you can manage all your ITC equipment from a single app.

What’s New?

  • All-in-One: Manage irrigation systems, dosing pumps, and water treatment controllers from a single interface.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Check flow rates, pH levels, and tank levels with clear graphics.
  • Remote Access: Control your devices from anywhere in the world.
  • Customizable Alerts: Receive SMS and email notifications for critical conditions.
  • Geolocation: View the status of your equipment in real time with updates on its operation.
  • Weather Integration: Adjust irrigation based on current weather conditions.

Compatible Devices:

  • Water Controller 3000: Configure and monitor irrigation and fertigation programs.
  • Controller 3000: Advanced irrigation control.
  • Dostec AC: Smart dosing pumps.
  • DOSmart AC: Precise chemical dosing.
  • WTRtec: Water treatment and fertigation.
  • TLM: Tank level monitoring.

Download Now:

App Store
Google Play
Available in English, French, and Spanish. Simplify the management of your devices with ITC Cloud Manager.