Committed to the professional development of new generations

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Our years of experience in the industry have taught us the importance of innovation and looking to the future. In order to adapt to new trends and developments, it is essential to have a good understanding of the moment in which we find ourselves and to keep learning.

For this reason, we want to reach out and support the new generations of students who want to contribute all their knowledge and develop their professional careers. Our commitment to them manifests itself in a number of ways, including working with young engineers from specialised universities such as the UPC. One example is the project with Mounir Ghailan Tribak to develop an automatic purge valve.

In addition to joint projects, our commitment to students also motivates us to organise training sessions for students from various educational centres. The latest master class was held on 17 April at the Esteve Terradas Institute. Alberto Hernández, ITC’s Key Account Manager, gave a presentation on the operation of dosing pumps in chlorination processes to students on the Higher Degree Course in Water Management.

This is not the only time ITC has been involved in training. Recently, we held another two-part masterclass where Xavier Martínez, our Fertigation Iberia Area Manager, spoke to students at the University of Cordoba about fertigation and the different equipment commonly used for this practice.

At ITC, we are delighted with these opportunities for mutual learning. We believe that this synergy between young talent and leading companies is key to the development and progress of the sector.