Responsible use of our resources on World Environment Day

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World Environment Day

Earlier this month, on June 5th, World Environment Day was celebrated. At ITC, caring for the planet and the responsible use of resources is part of our philosophy and way of acting and thinking. Our products are the best proof of our fight to defend the environment. For example, our metering pumps are designed to reduce the use of chemical agents and thus take advantage of this resource through optimal water management.

Our concern for the environment has led us to establish a series of objectives in order to achieve a high level of sustainability for our products, which have passed the ISO 14001 certification test, an international environmental management standard.


ITC as a sustainable brand

At ITC we understand that everything we do is a reflection of our own ideas. That’s why we want our pumps and solutions to be in line with our responsibility to the environment. Precision metering has not only reduced the use of chemicals, but it also reduces pollution and avoids CO2 emissions at all stages of production.

Regarding the manufacture of our products, we have introduced new changes in the entire production process. All workers have been fully involved in each phase of the process in order to optimize each activity and achieve an increase in the life cycle of our pumps.


New methods of environmental care

But our commitment does not end here, since the beginning of the year we have introduced a waste collection system in our facilities. For this purpose, we have special containers located in different areas where workers can dispose of all the waste generated throughout the production processes.

This 2022, ITC is launching a new project called ITC Forest, which is a large natural space run by our workers with the purpose of taking care of nature and compensate our CO2 footprint that is derived from the manufacturing of ITC equipment.